How The Army Contributes To Addressing Water Scarcity

Jum’at (21 Juni 2024) – JAKARTA – “Without water, there is no food, no peace, no life.
Therefore, water must be managed well, because every drop is precious,” said President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the opening of the World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali on May 20.

Life without water is unimaginable. As a basic need, water ensures the survival of humans and other living organisms on Earth.
It is essential for various daily activities, including agriculture, livestock, industry and household needs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), humans need approximately 50 liters of water per day for drinking, cooking and basic hygiene. Thus, securing an adequate water supply is imperative.

The 2023 United Nations water report highlights the finding that around 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean water.
In Indonesia, this issue is particularly acute in regions such as East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Bali, Papua, Maluku and parts of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
Geographical constraints, inadequate infrastructure and limited resources exacerbate the difficulty in accessing clean water in these areas.

Indonesia can pride itself in hosting the 10th WWF on May 18-25. The forum was a key international event to formulate global solutions to the clean water crisis.

It encompassed three main components: thematic, regional and political programs. Thematic programs focused on specific water-related issues such as water resources management, sanitation, climate change and technological innovation. Regional programs addressed water issues in specific areas, allowing for targeted and effective solutions. Political programs aimed to influence policies and regulations related to water management at both national and international levels.

During the forum, President Jokowi emphasized the need for effective water management amid projected droughts that will impact 500 million smallholder farmers by 2050.
He called for cooperation to promote efficient and integrated water resources management.

Aligned with the spirit of the 10th WWF, which carried the theme “Water for shared prosperity”, the Army (TNI-AD) continues to promote a program known as “TNI-AD Manunggal Air”. This initiative, focusing on efforts to overcome the difficulty of clean water access throughout Indonesia, has become increasingly relevant. Under the motto “The Army together with the people, united with nature for the unitary state Indonesia”, the program includes the installation of hydraulic ram pumps (hydrams), boreholes and gravity-fed water distribution systems.

Army chief of staff Gen. Maruli Simanjuntak has highlighted the Army’s focus on providing clean water to communities, based on his experiences during stints in regions with limited water access.

Since its inception in 2022, the “TNI AD Manunggal Air” program has provided more than 2,240 water source points across Indonesia, consisting of 665 hydram pump points, 1,463 points from borehole sources and 112 points from gravity sources


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